Friday, August 26, 2011

Tech-preview of the MWTk Lib documentation !

Hello !

After another week of hard development on the project, I can make a report of my work in progress :

I have coded 5 Content Widget classes : Button, Switch, Slider, TextEdit and Label.
I have a quite working version of to Containers Layout : Strip and Entry.
I have added the Data Structures (need some polishing though) : DataItem, DataEntry, DataList and DataValue.
I have created a first DataItemGenerator classe : one that can generate a DataItem from a JSON string (i used it in my test program to generate a List of Entry)
I have a functionnal version of the EntryListManager which can : generate a list of Entry from a DataList of DataEntry, sort them following a give field, group them by a field, filter the content of the list on a given Widget content.

Here is the ListManager in action :

All that stuff has been documented using Doxygen, so I put the generated HTML documentation on a server, to allow you to give it a first sight. I've added on it some schema to help the understanding of some classes and concepts. Some classes have code snippets too.

Here are some example of schema that you will find in the doc :

So you can find all that content on the web :

The online documentation is here :

The Gitorious source repository has been updated with new files :

Waiting your feedback !

1 comment:

  1. Waow, so you develop your own set of components ?!

    Gonna test that on Maemo and feedback !

    So basically, I suppose all this declarative widgets and those behaviour aren't available out of the Qt/QML box ?!
